Sunday, December 14, 2008

Authoring a Book Gives You Complete Control over Your Destiny, by Robert Paisola

Authoring a Book Gives You Complete Control over Your Destiny, by Robert Paisola

That’s a bold statement, so let me back it up with a simple analogy about becoming an author, and then show you how you can become a best-selling author in 28 days or less.

To get the most of writing a book, you simply need to understand the difference between these two people: Person A: is told that they must work HARD, get a good job, work for years at that job and then they might be able to live their dream life.

How many of you work hard? I’ll bet everyone reading this works hard!

How many of you are truly wealthy? That number is probably far less than the number of you who work hard.

What happened?

Let me tell you what happened—“THEY” lied.

Now Person B: works SMART. Maybe they write a book and become an author, maybe they do a little research and learn how to market a book, maybe they take that a little further and get a publisher for their book.

I know you’ve heard others say that you need to work SMART, but in today’s society working smart means that you only do the things that give you long-term income, whether you decide to continue working or not—like writing a book that has longevity on the bookshelves so that book sells for many years to come.

And this is something you can get started with little money, little experience and right away!

At the end of your life are you going to be like person A or B.

Will you write your book or will you die with your book still inside your head?

Along with becoming a recognized Author, becomes the attribution and attention that you receive from the community. And you get invited to become a member of boards and foundations. In other words, you gain the instant respect of your peers.

What safety methods are you setting up now so you don’t have to worry about laying on your deathbed thinking about all you’ve done in life and asking why that whole “Working Hard Thing” didn’t pay off?

Who’s going to remember you in 10 years? What about 20 years after you’re gone, or 50 years?

Are your great-grandkids going to admire what you achieved while you lived?

Are they going to be able to use you as a role model?

Think about that for a moment, because that was one of the most profound thoughts that was put into my head right before I wrote a book. In fact, I wrote my first book with the goals of helping the greatest number of people possible—to outlive me and make my teachings live on way past the point of my lifespan—and to be an instruction guide for my children and their children and all my future generations.

To Your Continued Success,

Robert Paisola

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